Miles Biked as of June 10 = 2,809

Stats through Sunday, June 1

Miles biked: 2,800
Total time: 198 hours, 13 minutes, 41 seconds
Ave time/day, excluding rest: 6:10
Ave miles/day, excluding rest: 87.1
Ave miles/day, including rest: 75.3
Ave mph all miles: 14.52
Ave mph 1st 1,400 miles: 14.0
Ave mph 2nd 1,400 miles: 15.1
Max mph: 38.5
Median max mph: 31.3
Total calories burned: 181,100
Ave cal/day: 4,900
Weight change: - 5.5 lbs

23 May 2008

Day 28 (May 23) Jackson, WY - PART TWO

Doing a trip like this must have many sub-surface side effects, specifically on one's biochemistry. I don't suppose it's that surprising the whole pro world in this sport is tainted by drug use and questionable IV supplements - especially considering the toll appears to reach beyond the daytime activity itself. There hasn't been much sleep going on during Bike Trip '08, and when I do manage, there have been a disproportionately high number of nightmares and bathroom trips. It is not a glamorous thing, yet inerestingly to me, pretty much entirely different than my experiences at high altitude, another place the body is put under unusual stress. There, I've always - knock on wood - had deep and sound sleep during the continual effort to mitigate the effects of super-hydration. So as I hide here under the covers at 2:52 AM trying to will the clock to breakfast time with my head up trying to avoid the seemingly imminent head cold, I can't help but anticipate a return to familiar pillows and a less demanding calorie requirement.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow............i appreciate your honesty in today's blog......have you ever taken melatonin to aid in your sleep? your body produces it naturally, but deminishes the production of such with age and probably with stress---mental and physical. check it out on line---it has helped me with this change of life i am going through naturally.
carson, YOU are an AMAZING Man doing and AMAZING thing!! Take care of YOURSELF most importantly!! You have the rest of your life to live.
My prayers and love are for and with you.
Aunt Mary